Does Obama Need a Department of Innovation?

Trying to close out my old drafts for the new year!  This one started on December 12, 2008, and is finally being posted two years later.....

In my response to the article, I was trying to peddle efficient resource deployment as a strategy for innovation:

Innovative thinking does not come out of a machine, and more advanced technology does not always move us forward. Whole systems thinking and and multilateral approaches to our challenges have the potential to solve a greater number of needs within a shorter time frame, using fewer resources and less energy. These approaches are usually in the form of cross-platform collaboration.

Fortunately, President-elect Obama is on board with the notion that solutions need to be addressed comprehensively, and he has shown a willingness to ensure that his team building efforts don't end up being choir practice sessions.

There has been very little emphasis on comprehensive problem framing or efficient resource deployment as a strategy for innovation. Here are are some examples: