So this is what I've been up to for over a year now - documenting the line of transformer garments I've been developing over the past three years. They were designed to be flexible and trans-seasonal, with one size that fits size zero up to just about everyone below 215 lbs, including expectant and new mothers.
Stylish, comfortable dress-up dress-down garments that have absolutely no resemblance to a sweatsuit. That was the goal. The hard part was getting people to wrap their minds and bodies around the concept. That's where the photo shoots came in. They were so great, because each new face, body type and personality brought a different set of styles and solutions that I would never have been able to imagine on my own.
The fabulous, the curious and creative types were the easiest. These early adopters came into the store or the studio and tossed the garments around - turning them inside out and upside down, until they found what worked for them.
For niche marketing, I assumed that expectant mothers and frequent travelers would be the most likely candidates, since they seemed the most likely to invest in products and services that help them transition more easily.
Stylish, comfortable dress-up dress-down garments that have absolutely no resemblance to a sweatsuit. That was the goal. The hard part was getting people to wrap their minds and bodies around the concept. That's where the photo shoots came in. They were so great, because each new face, body type and personality brought a different set of styles and solutions that I would never have been able to imagine on my own.
The fabulous, the curious and creative types were the easiest. These early adopters came into the store or the studio and tossed the garments around - turning them inside out and upside down, until they found what worked for them.
For niche marketing, I assumed that expectant mothers and frequent travelers would be the most likely candidates, since they seemed the most likely to invest in products and services that help them transition more easily.
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